My Resume


Originally uploaded by josh.ev9.

I’ve been working on my resume this afternoon…I like it much better now. For years I had just been using Word to build my resume, which I now know was a mistake. Today I used Adobe Illustrator, which allows you to arbitrarily place text, graphics, etc whereever you want. Turns out I needed that kind of freedom to really do what I wanted.

Check it out

6 responses to “My Resume”

  1. it looks very perty, however i’m a little confused about what you put in bold and what you didn’t. in the education and skills section you bolded the beginning of each “bulleted” point, while in the other sections you bolded other things. maybe if i could see a bigger version i’d understand better, but in the small version it looks kind of funny, or at least not uniform. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. beautiful…i’m actually quite jealous. and i hardly ever get jealous over resumes (at least the ink on paper part). i think mine is in times new york and bulleted, you know, the usual suspects.

  3. I couldnt see the resume on flickr for the longest time. Then I realized that there was a link at the bottom of the entry. I am not jealous and I don’t use “Times New YORK”. I love your heading. I was intrigued by the way you aligned your work description. Is that some design technique I dont know about? I also like how you used big words like “work” and “new” and “tax”