An inordinate amount of underwear

Too much underwear!

Originally uploaded by josh.ev9.

So I’m packing for my CHI trip and I have realized that I will have to pack an inordinate amount of underwear. It’s crazy, but not completely my fault. See, while in Portland I’ll continue to run, which means that I’ll be wearing multiple pairs of underwear in the same day. Plus I have to bring extra shirts to run in, and extra socks…

Maybe I share too much with my readership…but that’s a good thing, I think. I ran 9.2 miles this morning…so I may be a bit delirious. Not to mention the fact that I got like 5 hours of sleep last night. Good warm-up I guess, it’s not like I’ll be sleeping at the conference.

BTW, I have been invited to 2 parties so far at CHI, one thrown by Google and the other Yahoo! They’re at the same time, of course. This has lead to some rather serious introspection about which company I have more allegiance to…we’ll see which way I go, if at all.

BTW2, for all those who like to keep tabs on my sister: she’s still brilliant. Acceptances at UCLA and Berkeley…ooh I am jealous! Tami is stellar. 🙂

Ok…back to packing.

3 responses to “An inordinate amount of underwear”

  1. Josh, Tami is stellar, and so is your cousin Sarah. She got accepted at Oberlin, Bryn Mawr, Macalester, Wellesley, Univ of Virginia, Univ of Mary Washington, and William & Mary. She’s much smarter than her dad…

    As for your underwear comment, a friend of mine said he gives teenagers $100 as a high school graduation gift, with explicit instructions that it be used to buy underwear. He says that lots of underwear is a key to getting through your undergraduate years.

    Since you’re a grad student, maybe that’s not so true for you….

  2. so you won’t touch my underwear, but you have no problem posting your all over the internet!?? sicko.

    and thanks for the shout out. you make me feel special! tehe.