Holistic Experiences, Creativity, and the Brain
Summary: When studying user experience, the brain and its activities need not be considered in terms of separate function. For the past few days, I’ve been taking in the following image, linked to me from the blog of a future coworker of mine, which was originally linked from here. In science today, many people spend…
Where on earth do I live?
My “official” address situation has become quite confusing. Whenever I have to fill out a form online, or give someone my address for one reason or another, it always causes little alarm bells to go off in my head. They scream, “JOSH! YOU DON’T HAVE AN ADDRESS! WHAT WILL YOU SAY!?” Here’s why: I’m originally…
I’m feelin’ good. Real good.
I went into the city today, as you might be able to tell by my earlier post. The fun news is that I rode my bike in. What a beautiful ride! Here in Chicago there’s a great bike path that runs along Lake Michigan, and it’s great. Basically it is a freeway for bikers, bladers,…