Category: HCI topic

  • The User

    And I quote: “The dominant subject of our age has become neither reader nor writer but user, a figure conceived as a bundle of needs and impairments-cognitive, physical, emotional. Like a patient or child, the user is a figure to be protected and cared for but also scrutinized and controlled, submitted to research and testing.…

  • On Letters

    I just spent the evening reading about letters. Really interesting stuff. There’s much more to the design of typefaces and fonts than I had realized. When we talk about ubiquity in HCI classes, we think of it in terms of computers being in many places, but if you really think about it, letters are objects…

  • The most most accurate search engine

    I’ve thought about this idea for a while. Lots of people seem to think they prefer Google to any other search engine…but I’d say that if you did a blind taste test people wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. Well, this site’s doing it. Here’s the test And here are the results so far

  • Another Evening Wasted

    So I’ve been working on this Javascript thing all afternoon/evening. What a massive waste of time… This is the result: Check it out

  • The Government-Citizen Interface

    I just read a rather poignant blog article* about the non-“user friendly” nature of having an initiative added to the California ballot. (The challenging nature of this process is likely present in most states.) In case you weren’t aware, California has a special election coming up that The Governator called in order to save the…

  • Interesting search result

    I just decided to put in a random search on El Goog and it returned an interesting result. The query was “carne asada fries,” one of my favorite SD Mexican dishes (can’t be classified as an actual Mexican dish, because I don’t think it’s authentic). Anyway, the result is interesing because the first 5 sites…

  • Yahoo News Adds Blogs

    This is really, really cool…something I’ve been waiting for for months. I remember back in the last presidential election when I was looking for a definitive source for finding news related blogs. Despite my mediocre efforts, I was unable to find such a source that I could trust. Now Yahoo! has included Blog search in…

  • from airplanes to future technologies

    Had a brief talk with Erik this morning on the way in to school about modern trans-continental flight. He’s leaving this afternoon for a quick trip to London and will return this weekend. To me this is quite an amazing feat. 50 years ago people would have said that this would be possible only for…

  • Moodsic

    Every once in a while my Shuffle really really really comes through. This morning I barely made it through my Graphic Design class. It’s a really interesting class, but, as I have told many around me, there’s a world of difference between a class that starts at 8 AM and one that starts at 9.…

  • Idea Generation

    Here’s a keeper. This site lists ways to generate ideas. It got rave reviews when I posted it on my program’s listserv (5 responses in 28 minutes, so far). Microphone check it: Idea Generation Methods