Category: HCI topic

  • Alright, let’s do this

    I’m too busy for this. I don’t have the effing time to go around spreading my opinion on issues of computing, software, design, etc. There are so many pressing matters I should be tending to…but I need to vent. DON’T WATCH THIS MICROSOFT PROPAGANDA VIDEO Or watch it, at your own discretion. So Microsoft has…

  • Sites for HCI Peeps to check out

    Shout out to all my HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) homies out there, wooty woot. Just wanted to recommend a couple sites for you to check out, you know, just to stay on top of your game and such. I was thinking of hiding these in links in my blog over the next few days, but on…

  • UbiComp Ethics

    Here’s a great article on the ethical standards of Interaction Designers in the era of Ubiquitous Computing. The actual ethics start about halfway down the page, but it’s a good read even before that. Check it out To the ethics stated here, I would add: Principle 6. Be Imaginative.* Do not create a system or…

  • Boxy Guy

    I’ve been playing with Flash again, therefore it’s time for you to see a sample of my work. Here’s a seemingly simple one…there should be more to come. –>

  • Everything Bad is Good For You

    I finished a book this evening, one which shared the title of this entry. I found it quite interesting. A number of people at my school study the growing science of New Media, which sounds somewhat interesting to me, but is something I have never sat down and tried to think about too deeply. This…

  • That feeling

    It happened today, for the first time in a long time. The feeling is inexplicable. Perfect. Amazing. I cannot realistically portray what I mean, but I’ll try. Have you ever been with a group of people, doing some sort of work, when all of a sudden everything just sort of blurs into slow motion, and…

  • Cognitive Science

    A few weeks ago I wrote a little entry for a class that explains my undergraduate major, Cognitive Science, in a little more detail than I normally have time (or eloquence) to explain it in. It’s up on my class wiki, which means that I no longer have the right to say that I own…

  • Letter Writing

    I’ve been doing a lot of work with senior citizens in the past 4-5 months. When I’m not reading about them, then I’m either talking to them, designing for them, or writing about them. I just have so much to learn from and about them. A big idea that was pointed out to me by…

  • Gmail’s back

    Gmail must have heard me blogging…as soon as I finished my last post I checked Gmail and found that it’s back up…karma.

  • down with gmail

    Simply unacceptible. That’s just about all I have to say about that. Let me explain. Gmail has been down all morning. ALL MORNING. I use Gmail to access just about all of my email, and so I have had no access to my email all morning. Now, I realize that it’s Sunday, and it’s still…