Category: Uncategorized

  • Audioscrobbler

    Check out Audioscrobbler. It keeps a record of the music you listen to, then if you go to the website it will recommend other artists you might like! It also allows you to find others who listen to music that is similar to yours…and then you can see what they’re listening to that you’re missing!…

  • Mish Mash

    Long to-do list today…but I’m too tired to start. Why is it that one is far less motivated to do things at the times when they have the most time free? One could say that I wasted this morning away…I’d prefer to think I relaxed it away. However you interpret it, I have a lot…

  • Futures

    I always believed in futures, I hope for better, in November, Try the same booth, same lucky numbers, It could be a cold night, for a lifetime. Hey now, you can’t keep saying endlessly, ‘My Darling, how long until this sun burns me?’ Say hello to good times, Trade up all the fast lines. We…

  • Election Disenchantment

    My team lost, and now I sulk. Well, not exactly. It seems that the American people have let their opinions out into the air, and it turns out that I don’t agree with more than half of the country. It’s almost embarrassing…and at some points I don’t like the looks of things in this country…

  • Funny T-Shirts

    This is more for my memory than yours…

  • Election Excitement!

    I’d be willing to lay down a hefty sum of money that says that at least 90% of all blogs that are published today somehow mention the presidential election that is taking place. It is a pretty exciting thing…this election. Both everything and nothing is on the line. No matter who wins, our everyday lives…

  • Welcome Back, Josher

    Came back from my weekend trip to Chicago this evening. When I first got to the airport in Indianapolis, I had no problem finding a parking spot. Well, that isn’t quite true. First the machine wouldn’t give me a ticket, then I couldn’t actually find a spot for my car…but other than that I was…

  • Reading…

    There is SO MUCH reading to do! I swear, all I do is read…here is a sampling of the things I’ve been reading lately: Emails A for-fun book Lots and lots of school reading Blogs Websites Some not for-fun nor for-school books Assignments Things I’ve written Computer Program Code Menus Street signs Newsgroups Tests (which…

  • Background and Foreground

    It’s all about background and foreground. Attention is the key to everything we sense. There are so many sensations our body receives in a given instant that it would be wholly impossible to perceive them all at once. Right now you’re looking at the computer screen, but the foreground is the word you’re looking at,…

  • An Intro to Blogging

    Hey all, not much interesting going on today, so I thought I’d write a little primer on the world of blogging. (How should one pronounce ‘primer’? I lean towards the ‘prymer’ pronunciation, while I have heard ‘prim-er’ used often as well.)…Let’s get started. Some of you may have no idea what the word ‘blog’ means.…