Category: Uncategorized

  • Room Allergies

    I think I might be allergic to my room. Is that possible? Any time I wake up early in the morning and do a little work on my computer, I end up with an allergic reaction. I thought my allergies would go away in winter. Dignambamit.

  • Courting

    “I’m not here to change you, graphically.” -Me to Karen, on me designing a poster for her that just wasn’t quite right

  • Million Dollar Homepage

    Erik told me about this a while ago, but in case you missed it, check out the Million Dollar Homepage. Brilliant idea, and a quick way to make a million bucks! This kid can now go to any school he can afford…

  • Repeated Announcement

    I think I (and others) have made this announcement before…but it has come to my attention that the message may not have come across clearly. The Planet Informatics site is open to everyone in the School of Informatics, and we encourage you to join us by allowing your blog posts to show up there. Contact…

  • I must accept the geek that I am

    Geek Test Results You are 67.5% geeky. Not bad. Maybe you spend a little too much time with your computer, but at least you have friends. You do have friends, right? The current average score is: 32.66% Fact: 17.45% of people who took this test claim to have attempted to build a robot. Take the…

  • Definitely

    This post is directed at no one in particular, but should be understood by all. Def·i·nite·ly adv. – In a definite manner; with precision; precisely; determinately. (courtesy There is a finite way to spell definite, remember that. We can get through this together, I’m here to help 😉

  • Sub 6er

    So today I took the shackles* off and ran on the indoor track again. It felt pretty good, though I feel like I may be coming down with some sort of sickness in my chest. I did a mile warmup, then decided to do some semi-timed mile runs. Two of them to be exact. They…

  • Mmmhmmm

    Yup, that is most definitely the sun!

  • Graphic Design Homework

    *FRUSTRATION* So every single time I sit down to do some sketches for a Graphic Design I realize like halfway through that I missed the itty bitty little detail that was meant to trick me in the assignment. WTF? Maybe the teachers are trying to tell me to pay attention…so perhaps I’ll eventually learn, but…

  • CES 2006

    IMG_6124.JPG Originally uploaded by josh.ev9. I got back this evening from CES 2006. CES stands for the Consumer Electronics Show. It’s in Las Vegas every year. This is the fourth year in a row that I have been to the show. I went with the fools you see in the picture, plus Vince, who isn’t…